Saturday, July 02, 2005

Difficult Moments

Difficult moments come unexpectedly...
they come in varied forms
sizes and shapes, plain & dull
but only in black and white
like monsters in the night...

most of all it leaves an unending pricking pain...
it goes to the highest tip of your hair
to the numb and bare cold toes

you ask yourself why it has come...
why it has to leave some pain
when will this go away?

when things are difficult...
the mind seems frozen
dark & empty

you try an outlet...
writing helps a little
passing those hours does a lot
but pain won't go away...

it stays there on difficult moments...
eats you up; brings you down
until you wish you are gone forever...

why do we have to work hard?
to earn some financial stability...
or even just to make both ends meet
but what if that reason became the cause
you lost your very "reason"
lost your only treasure among others
whom you called SELF....


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My dearest Princess,

Difficult times are what our human existence are made of. We always find meaning in all those difficulties because we feel that that is the only way to live.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Mary Ann A. Sayson-Sillada said...

There are a lot of ways to live...

It is us who choose which way to and how to direct our lives...

Life is what we make it...


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